Friday, November 30, 2007

It's rainning it's pouring

It has been raining all day and I love it. Dang we need this rain, but it sure is dark. A good day for some soup and corn bread. No school today, yip pee! So I get to stay home where is is warm and enjoy the rain. Going to watch some Christmas movies and listen to music! I went and did some Christmas shopping yesterday. Got the last idog in the town of Barstow. It had to be the deluxe one that taps it foot to the music. She will love it. Got some new clothes for her too! Next is going to be a jewelry box that I will fill with costume jewelry as she is not old enough for the real stuff, but I am! Hint Hint, if my sons read this.

The crowds have begun in the stores already, I remember as a child not seeing the Christmas decoration at the malls and on Whittier Blvd until this week or next. They have been up for about 3 weeks already. I hope I am not burnt out on Christmas by the 25th.

1 comment:

DrillerAA said...

It seems as though some of the stores around here were selling their Christmas cards and some of their ornaments just a few days after Halloween...and they were already on sale!