Sunday, December 02, 2007

Oh the things

Thought one:
The things I would like write about, so many, but when you put your innermost thoughts down anyone can read them. Do you really want that? Or do we just write about what we want people to know about us, or how we wish they would think about us?

When I write things on this blog I try and be careful as to what I am putting down, however, I am sure I have written enough that someone that had a mind to, could find me and figure out what a lot of my habits are. Kinda of scary if you think about it.

Thought two:
Do you believe everything you read in other's blogs? Again, people maybe writing what they wish you to think of them. So what you are reading may be total fiction, their life as they wish it was. If you think about it, what you are reading maybe the works of a novice best selling author.

Thought three:
I still enjoy the find of a great blog. I do believe that I have found a few of them and you will notice them on my side bar. I believe these blogs to be honest and the true feeling of the authors. So treat yourselves and check them out.


DrillerAA said...

I know I'm not among the great blogs, but thanks for adding me to your links. It is greatly appreciated.

Joyce said...

Thanks for the plug Teri. Yep, my blog is ME in the raw. If it was "my life as I wish it was", I'd be talking about my $2mill home and my world cruise!!