Well, here we are just watching it rain...HO-Hum..Let's start with the story of a young girl, she had so many dreams. The only one that came true is the one about children. Three boys, wow! What a blessing.
Drugs was the killer of the first marriage, he was so handsome and had everything going for him. Over the years drugs took there toll and he became so obsessed with them that they took over his very soul. When his drugs almost killed her first son it was time to leave. Only by this point she was again, with child, another son.
Her mother introduced one of her co-workers to this young single mother and before she knew what hit her, she was married again. Now with the third son on the way, she had no way out. You see in the seventies raising 3 sons as a single mother would have been impossible. The young woman chose to stay in a lovless relationship for the sake of her little brood. She loved them all so very much. Even though there was a father in the house he was so busy with pipe dreams and watching television that he forgot about the young woman and the three little boys that were growing up around him. This man became more and more bitter with the passing of each pipe dream. You see he expected someone to hand him his dream, he had no idea that he needed to work for it.
The young woman went to College and after a few certs., a Bacholers in Music an Associates in Fire Technology/communications and several more classes she found herself working for Barstow Fire Dept. and Barstow Police Dept. also part time for Barstow Sheriff's Dept.. It took a few jobs to raise young men. Her husband who was still sitting at home accused her of being unfaithful, her heart broke. Only one of many broken hearts this man inflicted on this woman. To list would be long and boring, to most reading this. Or maybe someday I will list them, it might be therapeutic.
In chapter. 2 you should know that the young woman is me several years ago. The years past and the children grew, they are at this point very productive young men. As the youngest turned 18 and left home, I also left. I started my own life as a single adult. Wow!! I didn't know that there really was life out there. I enjoyed every single moment of it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't turn into a wild child but I enjoyed life. I learned how to dance and became pretty good at it. Life had landed me in Lake Tahoe and before I knew it I was teaching dance on PBS television in Carson City, it was so much fun, but alas, all good things must come to an end.
All of a sudden I became a grandmother, WOW, what a joy and blessing. You would kill for your children, but you would die for your grandchildren.
Grandchildren, God's gift to us for not eating our own at birth,,,
My only hope for my grandchildren is that the all love themselves and are happy in what the choose for themselves.
I met a man that I thought I could be happy with, we moved in together. As time passed I began to see that he needed control of everyone in his life, myself included. By this time I was in so deep that leaving was almost impossible, until a beautiful spring day. I had notice my oldest grand daughter was crying. I went to her room to see what was wrong, before the words left my lips I knew what answer I would be hearing. This man even felt he needed to control all of her. There was only one thing that could be done and that was to report him. I did! Hard?,,,yes,,,need to be done? Oh yes. In June he will be meeting his fate in court, 14 counts of molestation on a child under the age of 14 and in NV. Nevada is death on that kind of business.
It took everything I had not to just kill him. Things needed to be done but in the right way.
I wish I could begin to tell you the total rage I felt. The hate, discuss, horror, anger. He is the lowest of all things. He will get his, by the hand of God, who says WOE to those who hurt a child.
I was baby-sitting at the time and had other children to protect from this fiend. Then the hard part came I had to tell my son, fortunately the pervert was already off to jail at that time.
Everybody has had time to heal and recover, but this is something that my grand daughter will carry the rest of her life, she needs to know that she is loved and that none of this was her fault.
Now all settled and raising an 12 year old Grand Daughter, I find myself teaching vocals in a So. Ca high school. I do really enjoy this much more than the Fire Dept. or the Police Dept. Teaching dance was fun and it did pay the bills, but not near as well as what I am doing now. I have to say that life is pretty good.
As for the pervert, I didn't have to go and testifiy at his court hearing. He did the right thing for once in his life and pleaded guilty..What a guy! NOT