Tuesday, January 08, 2008

1 Week to go

Need all the up to date info on American Idol, want to join a great group of people to discuss your favorite for the season?

Then this is the place to be http://slimtainment.com/idolblog/

I discovered this blog a few years ago, and have enjoyed it ever since. The blog is DJ Slim's and he keeps it up and running and very interesting

first you have to register for a free account and then you can choose a picture for your avatar by clicking a link that will show up under the box that you leave comments in. If you need help let us know
Register - http://www.slimtainment.com/id.....gister.php

Yes, I am an American Idol junkie. I enjoy every part of it. Not too wild about the auditions, hours and hours of them.

So come and join us!


DrillerAA said...

Ooo..Ooo, I wanna join...Oh yeah, that's us. Nevermind!

Jose said...

Can't wait TLR, you know I am an AI fan all the way. I see you are writing more, I am trully enjoying it. Please keep it up.