Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Stolen from Driller

I found this exercise from Driller's blog and thought I would give it a try, Thanks Driller

If I were a direction I’d be...West, next to the Ocean
If I were furniture I’d be… Rocking Chair
If I were a liquid I’d be…Rain Drops
IF I were a sin I’d be…Gluttony, always wanting more
If I were a gem/stone I’d be…unpolished diamond
If I were a metal I’d be…Iron, strong but getting rusty
If I were a tree I’d be…Willow, strong enough to bend
If I were a fruit I’d be… A banana
If I were a flower I’d be…Cherry Blossom
If I were weather I’d be…soft lite mist
If I were a music instrument I’d be…a flute
If I were an element I’d be…H2O
If I were a color I’d be…Blue as the Ocean
If I were an animal I’d be…Cat
If I were a sound I’d be…Wind Chimes
If I were a lyric I’d be… If a man could be two places at one time, I'd be with you, Tomorrow and today beside you all the way
If I were a music type I'd be...Beach Music 60's
If I were a perfume/cologne I'd be...Poison
If I were a feeling I’d be…energetic
If I were a book I’d be…any funny child's book
If I were food I’d be…Steak and Lobster
If I were a city I’d be…New England
If I were a taste I’d be…a Banana Split
If I were a scent I’d be…the smell after a light rain
If I were a word I’d be…emotional
If I were a verb I’d be…singing
If I were an object I’d be…Blanket
If I were a piece of clothing I’d be…Jacket
If I were a body part I’d be…eyes
If I were an facial expression I’d be…smile
If I were a cartoon character I’d be…road runner
If I were a movie I’d be…The Sound of Music
If I were a geometrical figure I’d be…Triangle
If I were one of the 4 seasons I’d be…Fall
If I were a sentence I’d be…John 3:16


Amy, aka ABB said...

Huh, you took my sentence, my sound, and my season (if I was doing this, that is), and almost my direction - east toward the ocean (I like to see the rising sun and the start of a new day)! What a neat exercise.

DrillerAA said...

We share the same season. Even though I picked Yogi Bear as my cartoon character, some days I feel more like Wylie Coyote. Thanks again for stopping by BrainFreeze.

See ya at Slims sometime this week. I may skip Idol Give Back.
If they want some ideas for inspirational songs, they can stop by my blog on Fridays.

Jose said...

What great answers TLR. Too cool!

Dr. Electro said...

I did it on my blog tonight. Have a looksee! I really enjoyed it, too.