Sunday, February 03, 2008


Well, it's another Superbowl and another post about it.

Today I will have the house to myself, yip pee, I will clean, I will make myself something yummy to eat. During all this I will have the Superbowl on in the back ground as I want to see the commercials. At some point I will watch "The Replacements" as this is becoming a tradition with me, my form of the Superbowl.

I have a rotten cold and all the Air Born in the world would not have stopped this one. The eyes are watery, the nose is running, the head is achy so all my plans may come to a complete stop and I might just end up with my comforter, my couch, the TV, cold pills, a glass of juice and tissues, a bowl of chicken soup (Canned of course) and Vick's.

1 comment:

Jose said...

You know what, you are my kind of Super Bowl viewer. I just cannot get into sports at all. I 48 years of age I think it's safe to say it will stay that way. lol I hope you are better now.