Thursday, January 17, 2008

Vote for ??????

I was asked "Who are you going to vote for? Wow, it is something that I have been thinking about. At this point it would be best to say who I am not voting for.

1 I will not for for anyone who tell lies about the others who are running.
2 I will not vote for someone that promises to set woman back 50 years or so
3 I will not vote for someone who talks about being religious just to get votes
4 I will not vote for someone who thinks the economy is just fine
5 I will not vote for someone who would like to continue the Iraq war
6 I will not vote for someone who thinks health care is just fine
7 I am pretty sure I will not vote for a republican
8 I will not vote for McCain, didn't like him then, still don't
9 I will not vote for someone with no experience, running a state is their Claim to fame.

Who am I voting for? You guess!


Jose said...

In other words you are not voting. :)

TLR said...

That's what is almost sounds like,,,I will vote, just have to some studing

DrillerAA said...

Sounds like you're voting for "none of the above."
Well, I lived in the same state with Hillary and "Slick Willie" for two years, so I've had all of them I can stand.
Obama sounds too much like Osama for me to be comfortable with him. Not his fault. Then again, he's still too liberal for me. That's as much as I'm going to reveal for now.

Joyce said...

In reading your list, it sounds like Hillary is the only one left. Or am I not seeing something?

I can't decide between Hillary and Obama. I think one of them will be the Dem candidate, and McCain will be the Rep candidate. Tell me what you don't like about McCain. I honestly don't know enough about him.