Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Something stolen from Angie

Here are the rules for this little game...List one fact, word or tidbit that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your first or middle name. You can theme it to your blog or make it general. Not as good as Angie's but here goes.

T Tomboy as I was called in those younger days. I guess that is why I chose to become a firefighter in my younger days. You could always find me in my youth up a tree or surfing with the boys.

E Emotional, very! It doesn't take a lot to make me cry, a sad movie or just look at me cross eyed.

R Ready to go anywhere or do anything. I was once told "if someone told you to go to hell, you would pack!"

R Reliable, always have been. Steady, on time, you can count on me.

Y Yap-per, I just love to talk, unfortunately I don't like to write, if only I loved to do both I could write a novel bigger than War and Peace. PS Y was hard to come up with.

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